I borrowed my daughter's rubber boots and went for a walk in the preserve today. I really can't stand walking on the road around my neighborhood. I just can't. Too many cars. I never know if they're honking to be friendly or just because they're assholes. I always end up walking in the ditch, and for some reason, walking in the ditch next to the road just annoys me no end.
So it was boots and blisters and I didn't care. (Note to my daughter: your boots have leaks in them. On the upside, now I know where the word "squelch" comes from.) Lots of water out there, but look what I found!
Eggs in the water! It has to be tadpoles, right? And this is where all those adorable little toads are coming from. They're still out there, even weeks after I first saw them. Still hopping across my path. They make me smile. So different from walking on the street. I don't mind moving over for baby toads, you see. I don't mind it at all.