Monday, January 31, 2011

Patch of blue

It was overcast this morning, but then the sun came out all of a sudden, and I turned around and there was a pretty juxtaposition of clouds and sky and grass and sand and scraggly trees...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rainy daze

Idly fiddling with my camera through the windshield of my car while waiting in front of the Argyle Library for Nick to come out and I ended up with a whole bunch of neat pictures. It's like I ran them through a watery filter in Photoshop, except I didn't. Isn't that weird? I think they're cool.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Close in and far out

 Pine cones are the coolest things.
And this just looks like a galaxy leading off into someplace interesting.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Small things

 This I liked because it looks like a heart and I thought about using it as a sort of natural bumper sticker, "I heart walking here."
 This is all about the bands of color.
 This is a giant frilly bow on a present.
 This is a perfect pine cone perched on a limb that fell off the tree.
These saw palmetto leaves were wet and patterned in the most interesting way. I wonder why they have diamond shapes on them?

Friday, January 14, 2011


 The dog and I took the new path through the middle of the preserve today. It was damn cold out there. Every step I took was like walking through heavy snow. The dirt was soft and my feet sunk six or eight inches walking through it. But I got some nice pictures.

All the weeds and grasses sparkled in the light this morning. I tried to get those, too, but had mixed results. I'm going to do a little research and see if there's a better way to shoot them.

Seemed to take a lot longer, going through all the deep dirt, but it was maybe an extra fifteen minutes. Still, I was sweaty by the time we got back to the car.

Monster tracks

Tractor trails all around yesterday. Looks like they're either putting in more fire breaks or alternative routes through the preserve. I hope it's the latter. I don't want to think about what this place will look like if they do another burn through the middle. Ah, me. I'm not an expert on how to manage a preserve. I'm not. And I don't even play one on TV.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tiny flowers

Doesn't it look like snow behind these little things? It's not. It's more of the same. It was cold out today, but I had to pause to take pictures of the remnants of these little flowers. I think they look eldritch. Sorry. Lovecraftian words seem to be everywhere today.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Long and winding road

I love the green and yellow and red and white on this path out into the preserve. It's like a multi-colored carpet laid out in front of me every day. I never get tired of it.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Vapor trails
The vapor trails of the jets coming from the south and going towards New York or Atlanta or wherever are cool looking in the morning. I like to think about whoever is in the window seats, looking out at the Atlantic or maybe seeing the flat Florida landscape go by. There was thunder in the distance this morning, so the dog and I made a quick walk of it and got back just ahead of the rain.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The light! The light!

Hurrying along the path, outrunning all the casual visitors (my path! Mine!) and saw our shadows in front of us. I've never felt so tall.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Little stars

Tiny starbursts in the grass, I had to look for something to love with my camera this morning. I didn't want to take my hands out of my pockets because it was so darn cold out. Forgot my gloves.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It rained last night

 All the trees and flowers had little drops of water suspended from them. It was very pretty.
I don't know what this is before it goes to seed, but I love the shapes of the pods. There are so many! It seems extravagant. But there's probably a good reason. I just don't know what it is.